Kategorie: PROJECTS

creativity has no frontieres

Guba & Abelha

    GUBA & ABELHA electronic „hardware live project“ …means with real electronic musicmachines… (;   Is an amusing duet, which connects the influences of every own solo career. Their live gigs deny them with a whole park of electronic instruments. Their crisp & pumping sounds combined with the enchanting voice of Abelha Supersónica get…


http://www.olivia-fx.de/ https://www.facebook.com/olivia.fx1 https://soundcloud.com/olivia-fx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8NmPuDk-PE http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLm6mvC4r79YTM8QmBQcizeM8gyQH9RGaZ&v=HoHBZbAR1dA